What Is Work Conditioning
- Work conditioning programs are specialized therapy that bridges the gap between physical therapy and full-duty work.
- A good program consists of corrective exercise and functional activities that promote improved work capacity.
- The ultimate goal is to return the worker back to his or her job in a safe timely manner.
The Benefits of Work Conditioning
- Return to work with greater confidence in your abilities to perform your job
- Return to work with greater strength, power, and endurance
- Return to work with improved flexibility and coordination
- Return to work with greater cardiovascular endurance to help you through the workday
- Return to work with an improved attitude and willingness to be a part of a team
What You Should Look for in a Work Conditioning Program
Here are the key attributes of an effective work conditioning program:
- Simulates real work
- Participants become independent with exercise & self-management skills
- Includes education on safe job performance and injury prevention
- Promotes responsibility and self-management
- Builds the right amount of strength, balance, coordination & cardio to do your job
- Provides motivation, energy, and commitment to getting your life back.
A Formula for Success: Building & Rebuilding Industrial Athletes
When you’re off work for an extended period of time, a work conditioning program can help you get back in the game. The best work conditioning programs are tailored to the individual needs of the worker and allow you to gradually build your physical tolerance in a motivating and safe environment with a physical therapist.
Engineered Sports Therapy uses an advanced system of work conditioning called Work Matrix Training. This functional training system is designed to restore optimal human performance necessary to meet the demands of the job.
Each injured worker should have an individualized plan customized to his or her deficits and job requirements. Individual goals are set to meet the demands of the worker’s occupation and to maximize the worker’s ability to return to work.
Successful work conditioning programs inspire workers to improve their functional capability & overall health so they feel better about themselves, their job and their life. It is essential to building confidence in abilities while addressing both the physical and mental aspects of the body. Focusing on the whole body, not just its parts, results in more complete and sustainable benefits.
Traditional work conditioning programs can miss the mark in restoring the physical capabilities needed to return to work.
Look for specialized staff with experience in the field of work conditioning AND has experience working in labor positions such as roofing, welding construction, heavy equipment, trucking, farming & mechanics.
Work conditioning programs can be cost effective for the employer. Workers become more engaged, knowledgeable and educated about their body. The greatest benefit is the worker becomes more independent with exercise, has improved posture, better body mechanics, better lifting techniques and improved overall health & wellness.
This helps the worker become less prone to future work injuries while having improved confidence in their abilities to perform their work tasks. At the completion of work conditioning, workers have a greater understanding of their limits and self-management skills.
You can count on them to get the job done!
Work Conditioning Programs at Engineered Sports
Engineered Sports Therapy provides specialized Work Conditioning programs for injured workers in Snohomish County. Comprised of intensive, goal-oriented conditioning, the objective of the program is to safely restore your physical capacity and physical fitness to get you back to work faster, and lowered risk of reinjury.
If you’d like to learn more about our work conditioning programs, please contact us, or schedule a free consultation:
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