Work Conditioning

Injuries happen…and getting back to work can be critical for financial survival and helping to restore a sound mind and body. At Engineered Sports, our 25,000 sq. ft. facility allows us to design detailed work conditioning programs for injured workers in the North Puget Sound region. Comprised of intensive, goal-oriented strength & conditioning, the objective of the program is to safely restore your physical capacity, functional abilities, and general fitness, so that you to return to work in a safe and timely manner. From Boeing mechanics to construction workers, we have the game plans to upgrade your life and reintegrate you back to your job.

Work Conditioning

What we do:

When you are off work for an extended period of time, our Work Conditioning programs allow you to gradually build your strength and endurance in a safe environment with the assistance of our Physical Therapy team.

Our programs are personally designed according to your needs restoring the following:

  • Joint stability, mobility, range of motion
  • Muscle strength, power, and endurance
  • Motor function and motor learning
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Practice, modification, and instruction in work-related activities
  • Education related to safe job performance and injury prevention
  • Promotion of responsibility and self-management

Patient Eligibility:

  • Referral from your attending physician
  • Have a job goal
  • Have stated or demonstrated willingness to participate
  • Have identified physical and functional deficits that interfere with work-related activities
Owen’s Recovery Personalized Blood Flow Restriction

Owen’s Recovery Personalized Blood Flow Restriction

Owen’s Recovery Personalized Blood Flow Restriction (PBFR) program has been used for many people around the world. From elite athletes, military personnel, elderly people, and everyone in between; PBFR therapy is a great addition to your post-injury recovery plan and...

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